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​EVOLVE Organic All Purpose 3-1-2
​EVOLVE All Purpose liquid organic fertilizer is derived from digested vegetable meal, rock phosphate, citric acid and kelp meal.​​
​Use EVOLVE All Purpose on all your plants! It's easy to grow organic!
Rate: 5ml of EVOLVE All Purpose / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L and 10L
Special Order Sizes: 1,000L totes

EVOLVE All Purpose 4-4-4
EVOLVE All Purpose granular fertilizer contains all macro and micronutrients to help your plant in its daily processes. Our formula is derived from Kelp, Bone meal and Calcium, with an additive of our Rage Plus Technology! These ingredients lead to increased root development and accelerated flowering.
Put it on and forget about it! It's that easy!
Coverage: Indoor/Tropical Plants - place 4tbls on soil surface. Lightly cover and water
Trees/Shrubs - add 1/4 cup into hole when transporting. Place plant directly on top and water
Available Sizes: 900gm
Special Order Sizes: 2.5kg, 50 lb

​EVOLVE Organic Bloom Enhancer 1-2-1 with 0.7% Calcium​​
EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer liquid organic fertilizer is derived from digested vegetable meal, rock phosphate, citric acid and kelp meal. Along with the additional calcium, the major nutrient in EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer is phosphorus which is key for cell division and flower/fruit production.
​Use EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer along with your other EVOLVE products to enhance flower and fruit development! It's easy to grow organic!
Rate: 5ml of EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L, 10L
Special Order Sizes: 1,000L totes

EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer 3-13-3
EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer is an easy-to-use granular formula. Made from feather meal, bone meal and Potash, this fertilizer works great for all indoor and outdoor plants!
Give your beautiful blooms a boost with EVOLVE Bloom Enhancer 3-13-3!
Coverage: Outdoor and Indoor Plants - place 1/4 cup on top soil. Lightly cover and water.
Garden/Shrub Area - add 1/4 cup onto newly seeded plant, or sprinkle at the base of each shrub for mature plants. Add Water
Available Sizes: 900gm
Special Order Sizes: 2.5 kg, 50lb

​​EVOLVE Organic Blood Meal 12-0-0
Contains 1% iron to darken up your plants. Use EVOLVE Blood Meal on all outdoor plants, garden areas, blubs, trees and shrubs.
Add EVOLVE Organic Blood Meal for rich and healthy color. It's easy to grow organic!
Coverage: Bulbs - place 1/4 cup into hole prior to placement of bulb. Add water.
Trees & Shrubs - place 1/2 cup into hole when transplanting, place tree/shrub on top, add water. Existing Trees and Shrubs - place 1/2 cup at base of plant and water immediately.
Garden Area - Spread entire bag over 250sqft of garden area. Mix into soil where possible, water immediately.
Available Sizes: 2 kg

​​EVOLVE Organic Bone Meal 2-14-0
Looking for additional phosphorus? EVOLVE Bone Meal is easy for plants to take up and will help your flowering plants grow bigger and more plentiful flowers, plus it will help with root growth.
It's easy to grow organic!
Coverage: Bulbs - place 1/4 cup into hole prior to placement of bulb. Add water.
Trees & Shrubs - place 1/2 cup into hole when transplanting, place tree/shrub on top, add water. Existing Trees and Shrubs - place 1/2cup at base of plant and water immediately (1cup if over 5ft).
Garden Area - Spread entire bag over 100sqft of garden area. Mix into soil where possible, water immediately.
Available Sizes: 2.5 kg

​​EVOLVE Organic Calcium Essentials 1-1-2 with 20% Calcium
Not all fertilizers contain enough calcium or sulfur for your plants. If you are growing vegetables, additional calcium will prevent blossom end rot. Are you tired of picking deadheads off your petunias? The addition of EVOLVE Organic Calcium Essentials will extend the life of your petals and you'll spend more time enjoying them versus picking them.
Inorganic fertilizers such as a 20-20-20 or 15-30-15 contain very little calcium so why not add EVOLVE Organic Calcium Essentials? For even better results, use EVOLVE Organic Calcium Essentials with any other EVOLVE Organic Fertilizer.
Just add it to your soil and water! It's easy to grow organic!
Coverage: New Soil - mix 1/2 cup of EVOLVE Calcium Essentials with every 2 gallons of new soil (best results!)
Existing potted plants - sprinkle 1 cup over surface of soil per 4 gallons of soil
Bedding plants - 2.5 kg will cover 250sqft or 35+ individual plants
Available Sizes: 900gm
Special Order Sizes: 50lb

EVOLVE Calcium Essential 0-4-0 with 1.4% Calcium
EVOLVE Calcium Essential 0-4-0 is a liquid fertilizer ideal for your tomato and vegetable plants! The concentrated formula has 4% Phosphate, which stimulates plant growth and aids in developing strong roots and flowering. Add our Calcium fertilizer to your other EVOLVE organic fertilizers (like the All Purpose 3-1-2 or Slow Release Basket 8-4-5) for amazing results!
Give your veggies the care they deserve with EVOLVE Calcium Essentials!
Rate: Mix 5ml/1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L
Special Order Sizes: 10L

​EVOLVE Organic Compost Accelerator 2-1-2
EVOLVE Organic Compost Accelerator provides nutrients to your compost pile, aiding and accelerating the composting process. EVOLVE Organic Compost Accelerator reduces the pH of your compost pile to the optimum level and because it is a liquid it will move through the pile immediately and begin working.
Let EVOLVE Compost Accelerator do the composting for you! It's easy to grow organic.
Rate: Mix 1L with 8L of water
Coverage: 1 x 45 gallon drum
Available Sizes: 1 L
Special Order Size: 10L

​EVOLVE Corn Gluten Lawn Fertilizer 9-0-0
EVOLVE Corn Gluten Lawn Fertilizer helps control weeds naturally and includes EVOLVE's CLAY BUSTER technology that creates pores in your soil system to help grass roots penetrate deeper into the clay underlay. EVOLVE Corn Gluten Lawn Fertilizer will not burn and is child and pet safe.
Use EVOLVE Corn Gluten Lawn Fertilizer to be the envy of the neighborhood!
Granular Coverage: 9kg covers 1000 sqft
Available Sizes: 9 kg

​EVOLVE Organic Dog Spot Prevent 2-1-1​
EVOLVE Dog Spot Prevent granular fertilizer is derived from feather meal, bone meal, calcium sulphate, kelp and sulphate of potash.
Did you know that your lawn prefers a pH range of 6.8 to 7.5? Depending where you are, soil typically has a pH of 7.3 to 7.8 (which your lawn can adapt to). When dog urine, which typically has a pH of 8 or higher, is introduced to the soil your lawn cannot tolerate the dramatic pH increase in that concentrated area.
EVOLVE Organic Dog Spot Prevent works for your lawn in two ways:
1. EVOLVE Organic Dog Spot Prevent reduces the overall pH of your soil to approximately 7 so that the impact of the higher pH urine has much less of an impact to your lawn
2. EVOLVE Organic Dog Spot Prevent also absorbs urine on impact and will then slowly introduce it to your soil further reducing it's ability to increase the pH of your soil
​In order to lower and maintain the pH of your soil, EVOLVE Organic Dog Spot Prevent has to be applied three times per year for best results - spring, mid summer and fall.
Use EVOLVE Organic Dog Spot Prevent and your lawn will thank you!
Rate: 1 bag covers 250sqft
Available Sizes: 3.5 kg

​EVOLVE Organic Fish Bloom 2-3-1
EVOLVE Fish Bloom liquid organic fertilizer is made from fish, vegetable protein, rock phosphate, citric acid and lactic acid which are great food sources for micro-organisms. EVOLVE Fish Bloom will DRAMATICALLY increase the population of micro-organisms in your soil which will give you a healthier soil system all around. The higher phosphate level in EVOLVE Fish Bloom organic fertilizer will focus on flower and fruit development. Healthy soil equals healthy bloomin' plants!
EVOLVE Fish Bloom - the smell will knock your socks off, but so will the results! It's easy to grow organic!
Rate: 5ml of EVOLVE Fish Bloom / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L
Special Order Sizes: 10L and 1,000L totes
​EVOLVE Organic Fish Grow 3-1-1
EVOLVE Fish Grow liquid organic fertilizer is made from fish and vegetable protiens which is a great food source for micro-organisms. EVOLVE Fish Grow organic fertilizer will DRAMATICALLY increase the population of micro-organisms in your soil which will give you a healthier soil system all around. Healthy soil equals healthy plants!
EVOLVE Fish Grow ​ - the smell will knock your socks off, but so will the results! It's easy to grow organic!
Rate: 5ml of EVOLVE Fish Grow / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L
Special Order Sizes: 10L and 1,000L totes

EVOLVE Fruit and Berry 1-15-5
EVOLVE Fruit and Berry fertilizer is derived from Feather Meal, Potash, and Calcium Sulphate. This granular formula is perfect for all acid-loving and fruiting plants! With Rage Plus Technology, this fertilizer gives your plants the support they need to grow healthy and abundant fruit production!
EVOLVE Fruit and Berry - The Fruit Pants Paradise
Coverage: Outdoor Plants- sprinkle 1/4 cup into hole. Place plant over top and cover with soil. Add water
Existing/Potted Plants- add 1/4 on soil's surface. Lightly cover with soil or decorative rock. Add water
Shrubs - 1 bag covers 2500sqft
Available Sizes: 900gm
Special Order Sizes: 2.5kg, 50lb

EVOLVE Indoor Plant Fertilizer 1-2-1
EVOLVE Indoor Plant liquid fertilizer is made from digested vegetable protein, citric acid and lactic acid. This fertilizer will give your interior plants the nutrient boost they need to grow strong roots, healthy foliage and vibrant flowering! Now contains Rage Plus Technology to accelerate plant growth and flowering to an award winning status!
Evolve your interior space with some Indoor Plant Fertilizer for your vibrant flowers!
Rate: 5ml/1L of water
Available Sizes: 500ml
Special Order Sizes: 1L, 10L

​EVOLVE Organic Lawn Fertilizer with CLAY BUSTER Technology10-3-3
EVOLVE Organic granular Lawn Fertilizer is derived from feather meal, bone meal, calcium sulphate and sulphate of potash. EVOLVE Organic Lawn Fertilizer is a slow release formula which will allow your grass to grow at a healthy, natural pace. EVOLVE Organic Lawn Fertilizer contains over 70% organic matter which allows your soil to retain water longer in drought periods. EVOLVE's CLAY BUSTER technology creates pores in your soil system which helps grass roots penetrate deeper into the clay underlay. This means your grass will stay greener, longer between waterings. EVOLVE Organic Lawn Fertilizer is suitable for all lawns including reseeded, newly sodded and existing lawns. EVOLVE Organic Lawn Fertilizer will not burn and is child and
pet safe.
Use EVOLVE Organic Lawn Fertilizer to be the envy of the neighborhood! It's easy to grow organic!
Granular Coverage: 10kg covers 4300 sqft
Available Sizes: 10 kg
Special Order Sizes: 50lb (covers 12,000sqft) and 1000 kg totes

EVOLVE Sod Starter and Fall Fertilizer 1-15-5
Laying down new sod or wanting to fertilizer right before winter? EVOLVE organic Lawn Fertilizer 1-15-5 is perfect for you! Comprised of feather meal, bone meal, and potash, this fertilizer is a great source of phosphorus and calcium. Apply to your trees, shrubs garden areas or newly seeded lawns 3 times a year; early spring, summer and fall.
Just add EVOLVE Sod Starter and Fall Fertilizer and watch the magic!
Granular Coverage: 10kg covers 4300sqft
Available Sizes: 10kg
Special Orders: 50lb (covers 12,000sqft) and 1000kg totes

EVOLVE Ultra Orchid 1-2-1
Having some difficulties with your orchids? EVOLVE's Orchid Fertilizer is a naturally-based liquid formula, derived from digested vegetable protein, rock phosphate, and citric acid. Apply every month and prepare to watch your beautiful blossoms thrive!
EVOLVE Ultra Orchid is the nutrient retreat your plants need!
Rate: 5ml/ 1L of water
Available Sizes: 500ml
Special Order Sizes: 1L, 10L

​​EVOLVE Organic Rage Plus​ 0-0-6
EVOLVE Rage Plus liquid organic fertilizer increases your plant's metabolism and acts like a steroid for your plant. Whether your plant is trying to produce leaves, flower, fruit or store sugars into its root zone to survive the winter, EVOLVE Rage Plus organic fertilizer is the fuel your plant needs! Rage it up!
EVOLVE Rage Plus is a Super Hero for your plants! If you have a struggling plant, EVOLVE Rage Plus is your solution! It's easy to grow organic!
Rate: 5ml/ 1L of water​
Available Sizes: 1L, 10L
Special Order Sizes: 1,000L totes

​EVOLVE Rose Fertilizer 2-10-2
EVOLVE Rose Fertilizer is an easy-to-use, organic fertilizer for all flowering plants. Added micronutrients and Calcium help to grow strong, healthy dark green vibrant flowering plants!
Roses are red, violets are blue, we use EVOLVE and you should too!
Coverage: Indoor and Outdoor Plants - mix 1/4 cup of EVOLVE Rose food into 2 gallons of new soil. Add water
Garden and Shrubs - add 1/4 cup around newly-seeded base and add water, or
- for mature plants, sprinkle 2 cups onto the base of each shrub
Available Sizes: 900gm
Special Order Sizes: 2.5 kg, 50lb
​EVOLVE Organic Seedling Starter 1-1-2
EVOLVE Seedling Starter liquid organic fertilizer promotes quick germination, massive root development and quick emergence. EVOLVE Seedling Starter organic fertilizer is derived from digested vegetable meal, rock phosphate, citric acid, potassium hydroxide and kelp meal. Can be used on all indoor (including tropicals) and outdoor plants. If you liked using No-Damp, you will love using EVOLVE Seedling Starter organic fertilizer.
​Get seed. Get soil. Get growing with EVOLVE Seedling Starter! It's easy to grow organic.
Rate: 3ml of EVOLVE Seedling Starter / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 500ml
Special Order Sizes: 10L

​​EVOLVE Organic Slow Release Hanging Basket & Container 8-4-5 with 3%Calcium and 2% Sulfur
Our #1 seller! EVOLVE Slow Release granular fertilizer will last up to 3 months after application and is derived from feather meal, bone meal, sulphate of potash and organic certified wheat.​​
Just add EVOLVE Slow Release and forget about it! It's easy to grow organic!
Coverage: New Soil - mix 1/2 cup of EVOLVE Slow Release with every 2 gallons of new soil (best results!)
Existing potted plants - sprinkle 1 cup over surface of soil per 4 gallons of soil
Bedding plants - 2.5 kg will cover 250sqft or 35+ individual plants
Available Sizes: 900gm, 2.5 kg
Special Order Sizes: 1kg, 10kg, 50lb and 2000lb totes

​​EVOLVE Organic Tomato and Vegetable 7-3-4 with 10% Calcium
One of our top sellers! EVOLVE Slow Release Tomato and Vegetable granular fertilizer will last up to 2 months after application and will help prevent blossom end rot.
Just add EVOLVE Slow Release Tomato & Vegetable and forget about it! It's easy to grow organic!
Coverage: New Soil - mix 1 cup with every 2 - 5 gallons of new soil for container gardening
Existing potted containers - sprinkle 1 cup over surface of soil per 2 - 5 gallons of soil, cover with a thin layer of soil.
Gardens - place 1/4 cup at the base of each new plant, or
- spread 10kg over 100sqft of soil surface then mix into the soil, or
- place 10kg directly into 2500 linear feet of seed row. Place seed on top of fertilizer and cover with soil
Available Sizes: 900gm, 2.5 kg
Special Order Sizes: 1kg, 10kg, 50lb and 2000lb totes

​EVOLVE Organic Tomato 3-2-2​​
EVOLVE Tomato liquid organic fertilizer is derived from digested vegetable meal, rock phosphate, citric acid and kelp meal. It also supplies .7% immediately available Calcium to your Tomato plant to help prevent the onset of blossom end rot.
EVOLVE Tomato will have you and all your friends saying "Holy Tomato!". It's easy to grow organic!
​Rate: 5ml of EVOLVE Tomato / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L, 10L
Special Order Sizes: 1,000L totes

​​EVOLVE Organic Tree and Shrub with CLAY BUSTER Technology 6-2-2 with 5% Calcium and 1% Iron
EVOLVE Tree and Shrub granular fertilizer is perfect for all your existing or new trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials. The pellets break down slowly so your plant can efficiently use all of the organic ingredients. EVOLVE's CLAY BUSTER technology creates pores in your soil system which helps roots penetrate deeper into the clay underlay. This means your trees and shrubs will stay healthy even during over and under watering situations. EVOLVE Tree and Shrub can be used at any time of the year including freeze up (when many others cannot).
​​Use EVOLVE Tree and Shrub to bring out the best! It's easy to grow organic!
Coverage: New Soil - mix 1c of EVOLVE Tree and Shrub with every 1 gallon of new soil (best results!)
- 2.5 kg will cover 250sqft or 20 plus trees or shrubs
Trees and shrubs - sprinkle thin layer over surface of soil and water!
​ - 2.5 kg will cover 250sqft or 20 plus trees or shrubs
Available Sizes: 2.5 kg
Special Order Sizes: 44lb and 2000lb totes

​EVOLVE Ultra Organic Transplanter 2-10-2
EVOLVE Ultra Transplanter is made o​f all organic ingredients and is suitable for all seedlings, transplants, indoor and outdoor plants. With slow-releasing nitrogen and phosphorus, this fertilizer promotes rapid root development and vibrant flowering.
EVOLVE Ultra Transplanter is the handy man you need!
Coverage: Indoor/ Tropical Plants - add 4 tbls onto soil surface. Cover with thin layer of soil and water
Bulbs - place 1 tbsp at base of hole, cover with soil, add bulb, and water
Trees and Shrubs - place 1/4 cup into hole, places roots over, cover with soil and water
Available Sizes: 900gm
Special Order Sizes: 2.5 kg and 50lb

​EVOLVE Ultra Transplanter 5-15-5
EVOLVE UltraTransplanter is made o​f inorganic ingredients and is suitable for all seedlings, transplants, indoor and outdoor plants. EVOLVE Ultra Transplanter contains two horomones - indole-3-butyric acid and Naphthalene Aceticacid to enhance the performance of your plant.
EVOLVE Ultra Transplanter is the good ol' stand-by.
Rate: 5ml of EVOLVE Ultra Transplanter / 1L of water
Available Sizes: 1L
Special Order Sizes: 10L

EVOLVE i-Root Powders
Evlove's i-Root Powders are not organic. They contain different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid for soft and semi-hard wood cuttings.
i-Root #1 - .20% indole-3-butyric acid for soft cuttings
i-Root #2 - .40% indole-3-butyric acid for semi-hard wood cuttings

​EVOLVE i-Root Gel
Evlove's i-Root Powders are not organic. They contain different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid for soft and semi-hard wood cuttings.
i-Root #1 - .20% indole-3-butyric acid for soft cuttings
i-Root #2 - .40% indole-3-butyric acid for semi-hard wood cuttings
i-Root #3 - .50% indole-3 butyric acid for hard wood cuttings